Category: Schools & groups

Kids’ workshop around our “PASSAGE” exhibition: fabrics tell stories! Let’s explore them!

Have you ever wondered where the patterns that decorate the fabrics in your home or on your clothes come from? And how are their colors made? During this week’s workshop, we’ll explore the vast history of textile colors and patterns, and what they say about us and the world we live in. An opportunity, for once, to create our own colors from our environment (using dye plants from wasteland, kitchen scraps, etc.), and to reinject meaning into the images that adorn our fabrics.

The workshop will be conducted in French by Amandine Brun Sauvant, a textile designer trained at the Beaux-Arts of Clermont-Ferrand and La Cambre.

When? From 8 to 12 July 2024, 10am to 5pm.
Who is it for? Children aged 9 to 12
Price: €90 for the workshop (€70 with Pass Cultuur Marolles)

LIMITED PLACES (max 10 children)

To register, please contact

Passage. Textiles & Rituals is the last temporary exhibition of the Jewish Museum of Belgium. By the end of 2024, the museum will close its doors for renovation works!

It’s a new stage! Passage: Textiles & Rituals invites you to explore the idea of transformation.


An immersive installation by the artist Charlemagne Palestine, titled AA BATT BEARR BARR MIZVAH INN MESHUGALAND. The main theme is the rite of passage to adulthood.

First floor

In the second part of the exhibition, you’ll witness a dialogue between ancient ritual objects and contemporary artworks: a passage between past and present in the same space! A real journey through time!

Click here for the full brochure.

This building, built in 1878, bears witness to the desire for integration of the Jewish community in this city. An opportunity to discover the architectural and religious heritage of Brussels.

Want to discover Judaism? We propose three workshops on Jewish cultures aimed at all audiences, regardless of their origin, faiths and beliefs. Our ambition is to build bridges across people, showing the commonalities between cultures and their enriching differences. The Jewish Museum of Belgium is a place where to meet and dialogue and where all questions can be asked, without taboo.

The workshops have been designed in partnership with the CEJI (Jewish Contribution for an Inclusive Europe)

The ABC of Judaïsm (8 to 99 yo)

What rites and practices are part of the life of a Jewish family? Emphasis will be placed on what makes us alike from a social, cultural and religious standpoint. During this workshop, participants get an insight on Jewish rites.

Myths & Stereotypes (12 to 99 yo)

Thanks to an interactive visit (of part) of the museum, students become familiar with another culture. They discuss similarities and differences with their own culture. During this workshop, thanks to visual aids, and based on Jewish experiences, they become aware of cultural myths and stereotypes. They discover how stereotypes work, how propaganda can use them and what dangers this entails.

Rites of passage from here and elsewhere (8 to 99 yo)

What is a rite of passage? Why do we celebrate birth? Why do we commemorate death? What are the differences and similarities between religions and cultures? This workshop encourages critical thinking and questioning, as well as the discovery of other cultures.

Our guided tours are adapted to the age and level of your group. Not only do they pass on our knowledge, they are also based on the principle of interactivity, i.e. exchanges, listening to others and critical reflection.


This exhibition highlights the most emblematic pieces of our vast collection, inviting you to discover the rites and celebrations punctuating the Jewish year. An introduction to Judaism, its diversity, its history in Belgium, as well as the role of women in Jewish culture.


Thanks to the works of Jewish artists whose fate brought to Belgium, your group will discover in our 2nd floor Gala room, depending on their age, the history of the 20th century through the history of art.


Her paintings focus on representations of the female body. The artist questions the idea of the woman-object and objects as female bodies. Between surrealism and absurdity, her works question the gaze, objectification, as well as the stories produced by history and the history of art. Shoshana also explores the lush aesthetic allusions associated with bodily organs, weaving connections between corporeality, the natural world, science and society. With the students, we will address the question «What changes when a woman painter takes inspiration from the female body?»

By meeting someone who lived through and survived the Shoah, young people make the link between their history classes and the real-life experience of the witness. Life stories bring to life events that, for younger generations, seem remote.

Through personal stories, which they can present themselves, students become familiar with the history of the 20th convoy to Auschwitz and the resistance that rose up against it.

Through the eyes of refugees, a walk in the Marolles in search of Jewish migration from the beginning of the 20th century until the post-war period. Our tools consist of photos, maps and historical documents on tablets. The history of Europe and its migrations, condensed in a district of Brussels!

Vous avez entre 12 et 15 ans ? Vous souhaitez découvrir différentes cultures et croyances à Bruxelles ? Alors cette visite est faite pour vous. Le Musée Juif de Belgique se trouve sur ce parcours le jeudi 12 août. Au programme : découverte de soi, initiation au judaïsme, discussion sur les stéréotypes et visite d’une synagogue. Inscrivez-vous sur le site de Axcent.