The Jewish Museum of Belgium has from its onset built a library specialised in Art and History of Judaism. The library is in constant expansion and now contains more than 16 000 titles classified under the following sections: Art, General Judaism, Judaism in Belgium and Hebraica.
It also includes a collection of approximately 4500 books in Yiddish from pre-war Jewish libraries, those of the “Arbeiter Ring” and the “Solidarité Juive”, donated by the Martin Buber Institute and generous private donators.
You can also find current and historical periodicals and documentation on Jewish life in Belgium. Worth exploring and aimed at researchers and students, are a wide and valuable selection on Jewish art and history, history of the museum and its collections.  Our staff are here to welcome and guide you in your research.

Online Library

Explore our library catalog through this link.

Sophie Collette
Monday to thursday.