Category: With family

Kids’ workshop around our “PASSAGE” exhibition: fabrics tell stories! Let’s explore them!

Have you ever wondered where the patterns that decorate the fabrics in your home or on your clothes come from? And how are their colors made? During this week’s workshop, we’ll explore the vast history of textile colors and patterns, and what they say about us and the world we live in. An opportunity, for once, to create our own colors from our environment (using dye plants from wasteland, kitchen scraps, etc.), and to reinject meaning into the images that adorn our fabrics.

The workshop will be conducted in French by Amandine Brun Sauvant, a textile designer trained at the Beaux-Arts of Clermont-Ferrand and La Cambre.

When? From 8 to 12 July 2024, 10am to 5pm.
Who is it for? Children aged 9 to 12
Price: €90 for the workshop (€70 with Pass Cultuur Marolles)

LIMITED PLACES (max 10 children)

To register, please contact

Passage. Textiles & Rituals is the last temporary exhibition of the Jewish Museum of Belgium. By the end of 2024, the museum will close its doors for renovation works!

It’s a new stage! Passage: Textiles & Rituals invites you to explore the idea of transformation.


An immersive installation by the artist Charlemagne Palestine, titled AA BATT BEARR BARR MIZVAH INN MESHUGALAND. The main theme is the rite of passage to adulthood.

First floor

In the second part of the exhibition, you’ll witness a dialogue between ancient ritual objects and contemporary artworks: a passage between past and present in the same space! A real journey through time!

Click here for the full brochure.

Tout comme Golem, les familles et leur bulle sociale sont les bienvenues au Musée pendant les vacances de Pâques. Tous les jours (du mardi au dimanche), de 13h à 17h, un.e de nos guides vous accueillera (30 minutes par bulles familiales) pour partager avec vous ses connaissances et répondre à toutes vos questions.

Réservations obligatoires :